Ya gotta love this story about how Sarah Palin is preparing for the speech of her life. In it, McCain loudly denounces the "faux media scandal" that he said is designed to besmirch Palin. I'm in awe that he deigned to use a French word. Sorry, a freedom word.
" 'This nonsense is over,'" senior campaign adviser Steve Schmidt declared in the statement" the story on Yahoo! news states.
Wow. You must respect the power to completely shut down the media. I bet Nixon wish he could have done that during the Watergate days. "You know, guys, this whole investigation was fun at first, but it's gone on long enough. Stop the nonsense." He would have breezed his way through two complete terms. If only he knew.
McCain and his cronies' attempts to stop the media from digging is slightly naive. His camp told her that the delving into her personal life would be something she couldn't possibly prepare for and now they demand the media back off? Please. Welcome to the big league, we're not in Alaska anymore, you mess with the moose, you'll the horns; whatever dumb little saying you choose, it's all the same - questioning her credentials, her husband's ties to an Alaskan independence movement, her daughter's pregnancy, the father's MySpace page, all of it is fair game.
I'm looking forward to her speech tonight. Hope we're allowed to quote from it.
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