Monday, September 22, 2008

Politician bites dog

Um, yeah. Maybe you haven't the seen the picture next to these words before. I hadn't until recently. Thankfully, a coworker strolled by my desk with a McCain dog collar, prompting me to see how low this political season has sunk.

Needless to say, it's pretty hot at the bottom of this hole.

The question, naturally, is do we need to use our pets as another method of expressing our politics? Aren't yard signs enough? Maybe, and this is crazy, you could donate some of your money or even your time on a candidate's campaign. Is it absolutely necessary to dress up your dog in a costume and parade them down to the park where everyone will know where your pooch stands on the Second Amendment?

Of course, I now secretly want a picture of two dogs fighting while wearing those shirts, each supporting a different candidate. Just think, you could get 12 such pictures and make a calendar...

Isn't that terrible? You know somebody's planning that right now. Can't we discuss real, valuable issues vital to our republic instead of playing dress up?

Answer: No. We are capitalists above all else, and if Fido has to pay the humiliating price, so be it. It could be argued that the talking heads on television have less to say than the dog pictured above. At least he's brief - a walking, barking bumper sticker - a testament to American politics in the 21st century.

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