Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hold my hand

I don't think I'm really stretching out on a limb here to say that Sarah Palin has effectively taken headlines, shaken them madly and told them who's boss. It's her. Everyone here in the MSM has been writing wildly about her, her daughter, her daughter's baby's father and pretty much everything else including her stint as a beauty queen and her alleged ties to an Alaskan Independence movement.

But what has the media really told you about Palin that's of substantive value? Yeah. Not too much. We could expect the MSM to hold our hands and lead us through Palin's history and her positions on various political platforms, but why when we can do the job ourselves?

That's why I encourage the knowledgeable consumer of political news to check out Their main page has all the big players up at the top, though you can search for such luminaries as Cynthia McKinney if you really want.

Want to know Palin's take on abortion? Every baby is created with a future and potential. (Aug 2008). How about same-sex rights? Ok to deny benefits to homosexual couples. (Aug 2006). No spousal benefits for same-sex couples. (Jul 2006). Top priorities include preserving definition of "marriage". (Jul 2006). What about smoking a little dope? Smoked marijuana when it was legal under Alaska law. (Aug 2006).

Who knew? And maybe more importantly, who knew it was once legal to get high in Alaska?

Watching the talking heads on TV is fun for a while, but all they mainly do is regurgitate tired rhetoric we've already heard countless times. This Web site is a great resource for finding out what candidates stand for and learn it from their own mouths or voting records.

Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

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