Monday, September 29, 2008

Down doobie-do down down

I think it was last week in this space where I crawled up on my soapbox and essentially said taxpayers needed to lay off the lawmakers who had to make a decision about the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street.

Hey, I understand why you guys wouldn't listen. I'm upset like everybody else, but I need to emphasize here - these people up in D.C. are dealing with sums most people can't comprehend. Voters get upset about something they can't understand, call their congressman and start griping.

And here's what ya get, heroes - what Yahoo! news is describing as a 777-point stock carnage. No deal happened Monday, and people are running scared. Bush's economic wizards portend doom if nothing happens, and folks like you and me are calling our representatives about taxpayer money being used to bail out the fat cats.

It sucks, I know. But this is really a case of cutting off your nose in spite of your face. Are we so self-loathing that we'd risk a recession, a depression, some sort of horrific economic debacle because we hate the idea of the ultra-rich becoming ultra-richer?

Debating and arguing over political issues such as abortion, same-sex marriages and prayer in school is one thing. What happened Monday is something completely different. Now we've got House members frightened of keeping their jobs through January, and that might mean even more of us don't get to keep ours past next year.

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