Did ya read Froma Harrop's column in Sunday's Ledger? It's like she doesn't realize what politics is all about - winning. Here's an excerpt:
"Instead it was like old times on the George W. Bush polarization trail, where he would play one group of Americans off another. It was region against region, rural against urban."
Um, surprise? You know, something I never understood was people whining about class warfare being bad. Why should it be? If I'm poor, I detest rich people and seek to take their money from them to pay for social services, more than is arguably their share of taxes, etc. If I'm rich, I try to shelter my hard earned money into a place where the government can't get it, I try to cut social programs so as to give the government less reasons to take more of my money, etc., etc.
A fairly simplistic view, but I like to put things down where the goats can get it. So when Sarah Palin, head librarian, says "We grow good people in our small towns," everyone should get the picture. Small town folks are hard working, save their money and are good Americans. Obviously, they should vote Republican because McCain and Palin share those views.
It should also be noted, though, that what Palin left unsaid is people from big cities are Democrat leaning liberals who likely go to sex shows most nights where they discuss their plans for getting porn movies into your children's schools.
What's truth doesn't matter. Issues don't matter. Nothing matters except winning. That's an axiom you can hold close to your heart.
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