The media is having a field day with the newly unveiled "Levi Johnson - father of Bristol Palin's unborn child." Hey, why shouldn't they? This is news, it's fun, people will read about it, talk about it at the water cooler, maybe even put some quarters in a machine and buy some papers.
So to those who think we should give this family their privacy and gracefully back away from their personal issues, kiss off. Welcome to the real world. Sometimes, it hurts.
On to the pain:
Ya gotta love the wannabe logic from this hack, who coyly suggests it's OK for a redneck to call himself a redneck, but wonders what the public's excuse is for doing the same. Yawn. I've heard this kind of argument before: You claim to be a progressive liberal, yet you're just as small minded as all the rest. Sure, there are plenty of small minded liberals who think themselves superior to those who don't share their opinions. I'm still going to call the guy a redneck.
And, just sometimes, a joke that you find horribly offensive is still really funny. Most people don't like being told something's off limits, especially in the political arena. People will attack Michelle Obama, they will slap McCain around for his age and the daugther of Sarah Palin is going to take a beating for being an unwed mother.
So, welcome to the national arena Levi. And, yes, guns are welcome at the RNC.
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