I can hardly wait for the veep debate Thursday night. Just think about it - Joe "Foreign policy smackdown" Biden goes head-to-head with Sarah "Clueless" Palin in the only debate they'll have.
Both, naturally, are behind cloistered doors preparing for the national spotlight. While Biden is no doubt thumbing through books he's written to bone up for the big event, Palin's handlers are force feeding her facts, numbers and probably neural implants to make sure she's ready.
Will she know kung fu by the time the curtain rises? We'll see. I, however, would like to use this time to posit a few questions I have of the vice presidential candidates:
1) As vice president, what purpose other than sitting around waiting for the president to die would you serve? Should the vice president do anything other than waiting to step up to the plate if needed? Why?
2) Why should I base who I vote for off of what some veep candidate believes? I mean, really, does the fact that my guy might die in office mean we should pay attention to you? Are your stances so frighteningly abhorrent that I should carefully study your policies? Whatever.
3) Do you know where I can score some pot? (to Palin only).
Will questions such as these be answered? Stay tuned.