Monday, January 5, 2009

Two types of people

Most people have some type of cute phrase about what they claim to be the two types of people in the world. It could be good and bad, boxers or briefs, heaven or hell bound. Whatever.

I like to simplify things, so let's bring this down where the goats can get it. There are people with power, and there are those without it.
This article here is a nice little piece of reporting, IMO. Most news stories focus on the details of a specific event, such as Bill Clinton stating who he hasn't had sexual relations with.
The aforementioned story, however, takes more of a featurey look at the Senate, those who walk its halls and how power moves and shifts throughout it.

It's a club that has rules, but only uses them when it wants to. Usually, things get done because of agreement. For example, if senators wanted Blago's pick of Obama's replacement to join, they'd allow it and disregard any rule that said otherwise, and who would be able to stop them?
Since they don't, they take the time to find a phrase in a dusty book that lets them close the door to Roland Burris.

Orwell defined power as the ability to make someone else suffer. I think we'll see more of that in the coming weeks as senators decide who's going to be the next senator from Illinois, and whose political career will suffer.

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