Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Obamadrama

Obama's been in office a week, and he's already setting the stage for some great high school antics. Just take a look at this story, which throws around the names of the administration's powerful as if they were in the prom queen's court.

It appears that Obama is assigning numerous people to various jobs whose duties are just close enough to make everybody involved chafe that someone else is essentially doing their job. The cherry on top is that all those who have overlapping duties have someone overseeing that particular group.

In the realm of city government, we call this "duplication of services." Imagine a city that has three different organizations that feed the poor, have a home for the battered and do an annual auction to raise money for their cause. Think they might all work together for the common good and not worry about who gets the praise?

Whatever. They typically are upset that another group is on their turf, they don't like the fact that their fief is threatened and they're more likely than not to oppose a joining of services that would better serve the very people they exist to help.

Sound like the city you live in? If so, then welcome to America!

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