Welcome to Obama Watch (tm) - the keen person's view into the events leading up to Barack Obama's inauguration as president.
Obama Watch (tm) is an ongoing series filled with stories and anecdotes about the president elect, the festivities surrounding his inauguration, the swearing-in itself and whatever happens to be on my mind as I wait for my martini glass to chill.
You know, as a card-carrying liberal, I'm pretty much required by unseen forces to listen to NPR. Just today, as I was driving away from my volunteer work with vegetarian atheist gun haters, I heard a story about Obama's option of either swearing an oath or making an affirmation.
The option to affirm, as it turns out, comes from Quakers who were pretty serious about not swearing anything. You can see the option to affirm everywhere; it's not just for the sweet offices like president. Local judges, council members and people on the witness stand across the country have the chance to affirm.
The story, however, didn't really dig into the meat of the issue, which is - why is Obama choosing to use his middle name of HUSSEIN when he takes the oath?
Jimmy Carter didn't use it. Neither did Reagan. So why does our newest president feel obligated to say it? Is it because of his secret Muslim roots? Or maybe it's the code word his handlers have implanted in him that, when said at the right moment, will flip the control switch in his mind and make the president of the United States nothing more than a puppet of foreign powers!
If the letters in his middle name are converted to the appropriate numbers, they add up to a numerological construct often used in Masonic rituals, as well as in the Skull and Bones. Perhaps this is why Obama has until this point REFUSED TO TALK ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT'S PLAN TO RELEASE AZATHOTH FROM TEH ALKST;LAA;LKSHDG;LKHASG;HAS
Tune in tomorrow, when Obama Watch (tm) gets a new writer!
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