Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How things change

A few days ago, Roland Burris was a nonentity. He couldn't get on the Senate floor on Tuesday. On Wednesday, however, the Byzantine halls of the Capitol had changed their shape and its minions were using different words.

A hard stance against anyone appointed by Blago turned into Jello. Pictures of Harry Reid and Burris being all friendly and cordial abound. The 71-year-old politician appears poised to take Obama's former seat.

It's a strange game.

So why the shift? Could be because Blago called the Senate's bluff, as one source said. Could be the racial element. Could be there's been a deal worked out behind closed doors, and everyone feels much more comfortable now that it's made.

Like Reid said during one of the tense moments: "I'm an old trial lawyer. There's always room for negotiation."

In a few days, likely once Burris has taken his Senate seat, we'll find out exactly what those negotiations are.

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