Obama Watch (tm) - where the disinterested join the ranks of the impolitic.
Did you see this story about Bush and Cheney's portraits getting removed from all federal buildings around noon today? Ya gotta love it when a plan comes together. Moving all the Bush stuff out of the White House in six hours and all the Obama stuff in takes a mammoth effort, but I like to think getting 9,000 pictures across the country removed at around the same time is just as difficult.
They say they'll be destroyed, you know, so people like you can't get a hold of them and use them for nefarious purposes. But how tough will it be to ensure every single portrait is disposed of this way? Could some federal worker be bribed to hand over a picture late tonight? Could some sneaky ninja purloin a portrait under the watchful eye of bailiffs?
Look on eBay in the coming weeks for stolen goods.
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