Monday, February 9, 2009


That's the message one of the guys from Mystery Science Theater 3000 once shouted to the movie screen during an especially bad film. The reason - nothing was going on, which is pretty bad considering we watch movies because stuff occurs in them.

Having started my post with that little jaunt, allow me now to move into Congress' meandering through a legislative prairie of stimulus slowdown. I understand that our government is built to move like a clunky machine usually only seen in anime, but sometimes they have to move a little faster than usual.

Like when people are losing jobs by the tens of thousands and our economy is dropping worse than "American Idol's" ratings. Keep the politics to yourself for a couple of days, hammer out a bill that you can't love but don't really hate and move it to the president.

Otherwise, there'll be a few more members of Congress out of a job themselves come 2010.

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