Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ann Coulter: Troglodyte malcontent

Here's a perfect example of why we should use part of the stimulus to build a rocket and use it to shoot Ann Coulter into the center of the sun.

Once again, this shrill harpy that just won't go away has to educate us on how stupid we are. Jurors don't know the difference between and a "m" and a "b," mothers who have kids out of wedlock are parasites and - the unsaid but underlying theme throughout the whole hateful dirge - you evil liberals forced a stimulus on us that will destroy life as we know it by electing Barack Obama.

What kind of message do you get out of the headline: "Goodbye America! It was fun while it lasted?"

"Instead of digging ditches, American taxpayers will be digging our own graves," Coulter states at one point in her trash-talking piece.

Hey, hand me a shovel. There's one grave I want to start digging now.

You know, the really funny thing about this whole scenario is that Coultergeist will only become more popular throughout the Obama administration. Talking heads such as her thrive on being in the minority and get their best yuks by attacking a president of the opposite party.

The more Obama screws up, the more Coulter wins - and she certainly will make a point of telling every pundit on every TV show that she was right.

But the really horrible thing that might happen is that the stimulus works, the economy gets out of its lull and Obama gets the tiniest bit of credit for helping it occur.

Wouldn't America getting through these difficult times just be so awful for someone who despises the president and his policies? Maybe she'd like the vacuum of space better than these United States.

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