Monday, February 16, 2009

Both sides of the story

Here's a good conundrum: A student gives a speech in a college classroom opposed to gay marriage, the professor allegedly goes off on the student and two fellow students are offended by the hateful words. What should be done?

For this question, we've brought in two guest writers - Insane Intolerant Conservative and Psycho America-hating Liberal. Let's have a listen...

First, Insane Intolerant Conservative:

"Let's get something straight right off the bat: This professor is stifling a student's free speech. It's just yet another example of a state that's further out there than Pluto forcing its liberal trash beliefs on a God-fearing American who's only speaking the truth. Don't like it? Get out of my country. We don't need you here. I'm sure there's room in Sodom for the likes of anyone who supports gay marriage. Read the Bible. READ THE BIBLE."

And lastly, Psycho America-hating Liberal:

"First step, mandatory state-financed mental reprogramming sessions for the poor, deluded student who believes anyone should be denied the joy of marriage. After that, we tax him and his family back to the Dark Ages. In fact, anyone who disagrees with my oligarchy will be put in a special tax bracket and I'll fund my socialist agenda with YOUR money. You won't even have the gas money to drive to your polling place after we're done with you, comrade."

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