Monday, November 24, 2008

Selma Watch

It's time once again for another update on Selma, Ala., home of some of the wackiest governmental hijinks you'll ever have the pleasure of avoiding.

You may ask yourself - what do I care for this little Alabama town? That's a terrible question. Sit down. The reason you care about this city (which has been stated here before) is because Selma serves as a lesson for us all. Beware who serves you in local government and the power they have. Beneath all of our public personas lurks wretched, hideous creatures that thrive on limitless power and pettiness.

Case in point: This little blog I frequent loves to poke sticks at former Mayor James Perkins Jr., who was defeated in August by former City Council President George Evans.

Here's the skinny: the Selma Water Board recently denied making Evans the superintendent of the water works.

A government that represents your needs or petty politics? Back in the day, Selma's mayor was also made the water works' superintendent, because the mayor didn't make that much and the supe job helped boost that salary.

The tradition has held on to the current day, except there are still enough Perkins supporters on the water board to keep Evans off. What this means is that a defeated politician now removed from office still holds sway through those loyal to him.

Besides the fact that council members also hold paid positions on the water board (note to Alabama attorney general ...), this is just plain wrong. Certain politicians in Selma desire to keep a status quo that was defeated by the people in an election. What claims to be a representative government in this small town is nothing more than different cliques vying for power and money.

Wise up, and be thankful you don't live there.

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