Monday, November 24, 2008

Got Lewinsky?

Monica back in the White House? We can only dream. Check this out:

Former South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle, who is expected to be nominated as Secretary of Health and Human Services, responded to a reporter who asked about the Lewinsky rumors by pretending to receive a cell phone call. When the reporter took the phone from him and closed it while making a "we both know what you're doing" facial expression, Daschle said that appointing Lewinsky would be "like rubbing salt in the wounds of Senator Clinton at a time when we're supposed to be in a healing process." He added that Miss Lewinsky's presence in the White House would be "a huge distraction."

Ya think? Sure, it'd be a distraction but think of the great jokes that would come out of it. Palin jokes are already on the way out. This is the perfect replacement.

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