Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama's speech

It's easier to be nice when you win, but you'd think it was tough with all the negative ads that have been flying around. Still, Obama, like McCain, take the high road once all the shouting's over.
He's giving his speech right now. It's obviously planned, carefully crafted. We can only hope he makes such careful plans when he holds the highest office in the land.
Watching the speech, I thought of the plan the Founding Fathers must have had when building the nation's foundations. It's a nice thought that the government they built more than 200 years ago continues today. That, hopefully, it'll continue for years after we're all dead.
And, of course, I hope that politicians continue using an ending phrase that's become required in speeches: God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.

1 comment:

redsoxfan said...

It would be even better if the president elect actually believed the words, "God bless you, and God bless America". This is coming out of the mouth of a man who won't even salute our flag or come clean about his religious practices or beliefs. Now we are going to be calling him the commander and chief? God help us all! He also claims to be the "first African-American president elect". Without even digging much we find this not even to be a half-truth. Not only is his claim a slap to his half white heritage, but his dad is only a first generation Nigerian. That side of the family comes from the Middle East. So, although the first African-American president elect sounds nice, the true title should be the "first multi-racial president elect", which includes an Arab ancestory that he conveniently failed to disclose.

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