Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanks for the downer

Obama certainly isn't wasting his time in his quest to depress the hell out of America. He spoke to the nation Sunday, which this story adequately describes. A few things jump out at me as terribly sobering and not pleasant at all. Here's a quick summary:

- The economy will get worse before it gets better. Well, there's a surprise, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to lay the smack down of reality upon the American populace. We shouldn't be ticked at the messenger.

- The days of pork barrel spending are over. Sure, if you want to veto every budget Congress sends to you. I've said it before - pork spending is an infinitesimal portion of the budget, it's a good way to garner favors from others in Congress and keep your own people happy at the same time.

- Unemployment's at 6.7 percent. And it's probably going to climb over the next year. Luckily, I know how to wait tables.

- "We can't worry short term about the deficit." Well, that's good to know. I guess all the talk numerous politicians spouted about the spiraling deficit really wasn't that important. I'll just close my eyes and pray for a clean death.

- Questions about Obama's smoking habits. He coyly evaded answering this one outright. I wonder just what he's smoking ...

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