Sunday, October 5, 2008

Just answer the question!

This has been ticking me off since last Thursday, when Sarah Palin just wouldn't answer certain questions during the debate. If she was trying to convince me that she's ready to step in should something happen to the president, I'm not impressed.

Call me old fashioned, but I thought the point of a debate was to answer questions posed to you by a moderator. You get a shot to speak directly to the American people during your closing statement and every day on the campaign trail, not when you either don't know the answer to a certain question or just want to go off on a tangent.

And to use an excuse that you're not going to do what the MSM or some moderator wants you to do in a debate, so you'll just talk from whatever script you're looking at is more than pathetic - it's insulting to voters. Sure, it would look bad if she were to state on live television that she doesn't have a command of certain issues and wasn't prepared, but at least it'd be the truth.

It seems that instead of the truth, Palin would prefer to discuss only the issues she's comfortable with and slander Barack Obama by trying to connect him with terrorists. If that's the best she can do, then Alaska can keep her.

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