Sunday, July 13, 2008

Troy's boys

Bad political blogs like mine live for rumors of sex in politics. It's even better when the sex is considered taboo by your priest.

Enter Alabama Attorney General Troy King - the newest addition to the Larry Craig club. Blogs have been swimming in talk about his alleged gay affair that was supposedly discovered by his wife not too long ago. As the story goes, his wife booted him out of the house and Goat Hill is now whispering King could resign.

If it only it were true. While King is about as balanced as a one-legged bar stool, I just can't believe he's had a homosexual relationship. This is the guy that despises gambling, loves the death penalty and doesn't see anything wrong with accepting under the table gifts from big political benefactors. He's just too Republican to get mixed up in something like this.

Or is he? Conservatives getting caught up in the love that dare not speak its name has really come into vogue in the past few years. The rumor itself could be enough to sidetrack a run for the governorship in 2010. If' it turns out to be even partially true, King has just witnessed the death of his political career.

And we were there to see it.

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