Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sex, lies and populism

Ya know, when the media gets a story like the Eliot Spitzer/Kristen debacle, everyone can have a good yuk at the stupidity of a man who was thinking with the wrong head. But when you pick up an affair that involves a young, Kennedy-esque politician such as John Edwards cheating on his cancer-stricken wife, it makes for some pretty sad stuff.

But it still should be reported, if it's a valid story. And this one just might make the cut.

Here's the skinny: Edwards was "caught" by the National Enquirer supposedly sneaking around a hotel where his purported mistress, Rielle Hunter, was staying. The questions abound: Was he there meeting with the woman who bore his love child? Did they or are they sleeping around? Enquiring minds want to know.

And they deserve to know. The MSM tied Spitzer up and delivered him on a silver platter to America. Why wouldn't the same be done to Edwards? Is it because his wife is ill and that wouldn't be appropriate? Is it because the MSM is horribly liberal and protects anyone young, hip and Democratic?

Or is it simply because this is trash out of the National Enquirer that has no basis? That may be, but at this point real reporters should be out there either confirming or debunking the story. No one, not Edwards, not Spitzer, should be immune from this scrutiny. Clear the air or put a scarlet "A" on his suit jacket.

Admit it - you may not buy the Enquirer as you stand in the check-out line, but you sure look at it a lot.

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