You know you've seen it - that dumb comic "Mallard Fillmore" squished between "Ziggy" and the crossword puzzle. You might ask, why write about this comic now? What great new development has occurred in this most masterful of drawings that makes it deserving of Alan's grand machinations?
Yah, nothing really. I just don't like it. Many have argued that it's not funny; I won't repeat their arguments, but instead will posit that it's not funny because of its conservative slant.
Why can a comic such as "This Modern World" be good and "Mallard" be so mindnumbingly bad? Because conservatives don't make for good funnymen? Because taking a Republican/conservative viewpoint puts one at a disadvantage in the realm of comedy? Or is it just my own loopy liberal stance, if loopy and liberal it is?
Maybe it's because good comedy isn't gained day after day by attacking the intelligence and patriotism of those whose political views disagree with you. Instead of witty discourse, "Mallard" gives you one-sided disgust and hate.
"This Modern World" is ultra-liberal, sure, but at least it's got a wit behind the banter instead of some waterfowl who can't tell the difference between when Ann Coulter burps and when she writes.