Sunday, April 6, 2008

Ron who?

Check out the "politics" section of Yahoo! news recently? Seen the face of a strange man next to John McCain's mug, sheepishly scowling as if he has a chance of getting the Republican nomination, much less having people remember his name?

It's Ron Paul - presidential candidate wannabe and a drain on my rapidly dwindling attention span. Once the darling of 20-somethings who need something to desperately cling on to, he's now the guy who had his 15 minutes of fame and still won't go away.

Sure enough, the Paulites are sticking up signs all over Pennsylvania for some reason, thinking that fuzzy math will save their candidate's chances from being a big, horrendous, gargantuan, mammoth and in no way petite LOSER.

I don't know how many primaries and caucuses you have to lose until you figure out it's not going to happen. Maybe more than 50. I fear we'll find out.

Might as well grab a can of Juicy Juice and settle in for the show. It appears this is a case of Ron Paul that isn't going away any time soon.

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