I'm back from my two weeks of respite and am ready to start talking smack. I know, I've missed a few things while sipping on gin and juice, so he's a quick recap of news that I care about:
John Edwards sleeps around. Hey, who knew? The Enquirer, that's who. You read it here eighth - the former senator and vice presidential and presidential candidate was caught playing catch the persimmon with a campaign worker and finally came out to the public about his infidelities. Maybe the MSM will take a hint and start reporting news before the tabloids beat them to it. Ya hear me, LA Times?
Negatives from the affair: Say goodbye to a position in Obama's administration.
Potential positives: At least he wasn't sleeping with a guy...
Howard Dean calls the Republican Party "white": Heh. The truth hurts, don't it? Like all us loony liberal reporters didn't know this already. Fox News gets wind of this and starts spouting off a "fair and balanced" review of Dean's remarks. Yeah. Let's put this down where the goats can get it - Dean quipped off a one-liner that hit a little too close to reality and some people started whining. Suck it up, conservatroids, and go back to your frilly little drinks with umbrellas in them.
Negatives: Not very PC, Howie.
Positives: More sales of drinks with umbrellas in them.
Johnny Depp to portray sex pot Dick Cheney in movie that occurs in Bizarro World: Dream on, Romeos.
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